Dove Bradshaw

Mercury Mercury, 2018
Marmor, Glas, Koralle, Quecksilber / Marble, glass, coral, mercury
Höhe / Height ca. 36 cm

Contingency [Sticks & Stones], 2013
Silber, Schwefel, Lack, Gesso auf Leinen / Silver, liver of sulfur, varnish, gesso on linen
219 x 168 cm

Herself in the Element, 2002/2018
Tintenstrahldruck auf Fine Art Papier / Inkjet print on Fine Art Paper
40 x 30 cm

KNCNOPOA (Oxygen), 2005/2018
Tintenstrahldruck auf Fine Art Papier / Inkjet print on Fine Art Paper
40 x 30 cm

Contingency Pour I, 2006
Silber, Schwefel, Lack auf Leinen / Silver, liver of sulfur, varnish on linen
193 x 166 cm
(Aktiviert Oktober, fotografiert Februar 2010 /
Activated October, photographed February 2010)

Guilty Marks (Fusion), 2017
Gesso, Tinte, Körperfarbe, Pigment, Schwefel, Öl auf Leinwand / Gesso, ink, bodypaint, pigment, liver of sulfur, oil on linen
78,5 x 60,5 cm

Guilty Marks (Gravelrings), 2017
Gesso, Leim, Körperfarbe, Kies, Pigment, Tinte, Tintenentferner auf Leinwand / Gesso, size, bodypaint, gravel, pigment, ink, ink remover on linen
78,5 x 60,5 cm

Guilty Marks (Japanese Silver), 2017/2018
Gesso, Leim, Körperfarbe, Kies, Pigment, Tinte, Tintenentferner auf Leinwand / Gesso, size, bodypaint, gravel, pigment, ink, ink remover on linen
43 x 35,5 cm

Spent Bullet (Toyota Blue 2004), 2015/2016
ABS Kunstharz und Autolack / ABS resin and car paint
57 x 50 x 26 cm
Foto / Photo: Simon Vogel

Spent Bullet (Aluminium II), 2015/2016
ABS Kunstharz und Aluminiumfarbe / ABS resin and aluminium paint
57 x 52 x 15 cm
Foto / Photo: Simon Vogel

Spent Bullet (Mercedes Chartreuse 2018), 2015/2018
ABS Kunstharz und Autolack / ABS resin and car paint
45 x 37 x 22 cm
Foto / Photo: Simon Vogel

Self Interest, 1999
Von der Künstlerin entworfener Tisch: Glas, ca. 1m2 / Table designed by the artist: Glass, ca. 1m2
Foto / Photo: Simon Vogel

1949 geboren in New York, NY / born in New York, NY
Studium an der Nightingale-Bamford School, New York / studies at Nightingale-Bamford School, New York
Studium der freien Künste an der Boston University /studies at Boston University, Liberal Arts
1969 Studium an der BFA Boston Museum School of Fine Art, Boston, Massachusetts/ studies at the BFA Boston Museum School of Fine Art, Boston, Massachusetts
lebt und arbeitet in New York/ lives and works in New York
Preise / Awards
National Science Foundation for Writers and Artists, Washington, Collection of Antarctic salt
Dove Bradshaw: Nature Change and Indeterminacy, Mark Batty (Hg.), LLP, West New York, New Jersey
The New York State Council on the Arts Grant for Merce Cunningham Dance, Design, Costumes and Lighting
The Pollock Krasner Award, Painting
The Nation Endowment of the Arts Award, Sculpture
Einzelausstellungen / Solo Shows (Auswahl / Selection)
The Devil Is On the Earth: Elements from Myths, Fairy Tales, Conundrums and Social Issues, Thomas Rehbein Galerie, Köln
Hers and His, Galerie Moscota, New York (USA)
Zero Space, Zero Time, Infinite Heat, ARTe VallARTa Museo, Puerto Vallarta (MEX)
Waterstone & Negative Ions, 1996 – present, Marlborough Gallery, London (UK)
Dove Bradshaw – Guilty Marks, Thomas Rehbein Galerie, Köln
William Anastasi, Dove Bardshaw – Elements: The Devil is on the Earth, Hubert Winter Galerie, Wien (AUT)
Dove Bradshaw – Spent, Het Glazen Huis, Amstelpark, Amsterdam (NLD)
Dove Bradshaw: Unintended Consequences, DEAR FUTURE ME, Brüssel (BEL)
Dove Bradshaw: Unintended Consequences, Danese Corey Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Dove Bradshaw: Angels, Sandra Gehring Inc., New York, NY (USA)
Contingency on Wall – Dove Bradshaw, The Phillips Collection, Washington, DC (USA)
Dove Bradshaw – Time, Thomas Rehbein Galerie, Köln
Dove Bradshaw – Timepiece, Danese Corey Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
COPPER SILVER FOOL’S GOLD, Larry Becker Contemporary Art, PA (USA)
Dove Bradshaw, Thomas Rehbein Galerie, Köln
Angles & Quick Constructions, Habitat Showroom, New York, NY (USA)
Radio Rocks – Limited Edition Portfolio, Larry Becker Contemporary Art, PA (USA)
Time Matters, Pierre Menard Gallery, Cambridge, MA (USA); (Katalog / Catalogue)
Time & Material, Senzatitolo, Rom, (IT); (Katalog / Catalogue)
Contingency, Björn Ressle Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Constructions, Zero Space, Zero Time, Infinite Heat, The Spirit of Discovery 2, Trancoso (PRT); (Katalog / Catalogue)
Six Continents, „Trace of Mind“, 6th Gwangju Biennale, Gwangju (KOR); (Katalog / Catalogue)
The Way, Gallery 360°, Tokyo (JPN)
Radio Rocks, permanent installation commissioned by the Baronessa Lucrezia Durini for the town of Bolognano (IT)
Time & Material, Ingreja do Convento de Santo Antonio, Trancoso (PRT); (Katalog / Catalogue)
Six Continents, Contingency and Body Works, Solway Jones Gallery, Los Angeles, CA (USA)
Six Continents (and Angles 12 Rotations), Larry Becker Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, PA (USA)
Dove Bradshaw: Nature, Change and Indeterminacy, Volume Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Dove Bradshaw, Nature, Change and Indeterminacy, Volume Gallery, New York, NY (USA); (Limitierte Auflage an Büchern, Editionen und Skulpturen / Limited Edition Book, editions and sculptures)
Dove Bradshaw: Formformlessness 1969–2003 kuratiert von Sandra Kraskin / curated by Sandra Kraskin, The Sidney Mishkin Gallery, Baruch College, City University of New York, NY (USA)
Angles, Diferenca Gallery, Lisbon (PRT); (Angle paintings, Negative Ions II, Ground, Passion, 2v0, Notation V)
Waterstones, Stark Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Elements, Stalke Gallery, Kopenhagen (DK)
Waterstones, kuratiert von Heidi und Larry Becker, Larry Becker Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, PA (USA)
Negative Ions I, Indeterminacy [film] , kuratiert von Michael Olijnyk, Mattress Factory Museum, Pittsburgh (USA)
Guilty Marks, Stalke Gallery, Kopenhagen (DK)
Dove Bradshaw, kuratiert von / curated by Julie Lazar, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (USA); (Katalog / Catalogue)
Irrational Numbers, Sandra Gering, New York, NY (USA)
Irrational Numbers, Linda Kirkland Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
‘S’ Paintings and Indeterminacy, Barbara Krakow Gallery, Boston, MA (USA)
Contingency, Stalke Gallery, Kopenhagen (DK); (Katalog / Catalogue)
Indeterminacy, Sandra Gering Gallery, New York, NY (USA); (Katalog / Catalogue)
Indeterminacy kuratiert von / curated by Neil Firth, Pier Center, Orkney (GB-SCT)
Contingency, Sandra Gering Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Full, Sandra Gering Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Plain Air kuratiert von / curated by Ryzsard Wasco und / and Zdenka Gabalova, PS1 Contemporary Art Center, LIC, New York, NY (USA)
Plain Air kuratiert von / curated by Michael Olijnyk, Mattress Factory Museum, Pittsburgh (USA)
Plain Air, Sandra Gering Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Paintings on Vellum, Stalke Gallery, Kopenhagen (DK)
Paintings on Vellum, Inaugural exhibition Sandra Gering Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Dove Bradshaw kuratiert von / curated by Joan Blanchfield, Edith Barrett Art Gallery, Utica College, Syracuse University, Utica, New York, NY (USA)
Collages on Wood kuratiert von / curated by Susan Lorence und / and Bob Monk, Lorence Monk, New York, NY (USA)
Works 1969–1984 kuratiert von / curated by Joan Blanchfield, Utica College, Syracuse University, Utica, New York, NY (USA)
Last Year’s Leaves kuratiert von / curated by Linda Mackler, Wave Hill, Bronx, New York, NY (USA)
Works on Paper, Ericson Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Removals, Ericson Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Mirror Drawings kuratiert von / curated by Terry Davis, Graham Modern, New York, NY (USA)
Slippers and Chairs kuratiert von / curated by Terry Davis, Graham Modern, New York, NY (USA)
Chairs kuratiert von / curated by Bill Hart, Razor Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Reliquaries kuratiert von / curated by Bill Hart, Razor Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Gruppenausstellungen / Group Shows (Auswahl / Selection)
Remember Art Cologne, Thomas Rehbein Galerie, Köln
Open House: Gala Porras Kim, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, CA (USA)
Co.Incidence, Stalke Out of Space Cube, Roskilde (DK)
Notation Imploded/Mark Attebery/Peter Barrett/Barney Bellinger/Ricky Bernstein/Ashley Blalock/Dove Bradshaw/William Brayton/William Carlson/Joe Carpineto/Joe Chirchirillo/Peter Dellert/Anthony Garner/Ann Jon/Fitzhugh Karo/Peter Kirkiles/Madeleine Lord/Philip Marshall/Thomas Matsuda/Mark Mendel/Susan Miller/Gary Orlinsky/Albert Paley Judith Peck/Chris Plaisted/Antoinette Schultze/Leon Smith/Michael Thomas/Bill Tobin/Robin Tost/Justin Kenney, The Mount, Lenox, MA (USA)
By the Light…, Dove Bradshaw/Ruth Ann Fredenthal/Marcia Hafif/Kocot and Hattan/Joseph Marioni/Anna Bogatin Ott/Tim Schwartz/John Zinzer, Larry Becker Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, PA (USA)
Art Purposes: Object Lessons fort the Liberal Arts, Frank Bowling/Thornton Dial/Dove Bradshaw/Alex Katz/Per Kirkeby/John Walker/Ron Padgett/Pat Steir/Terry Winters, Focus Gallery, Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Brunswick, MA (USA)
WORDXWORD kuratiert von / curated by Ann Jon, Sculpture Now, The MOUNT, Edith Wharton’s Estate, Becket, MA (USA)
San Francisco Climate Summit: Artists in Conversation, kuratiert von / curated by Lisa Wu, Live Worms Gallery, San Francisco, CA (USA)
Nexus kuratiert von / curated by Ann Jon, Sculpture Now, Becket, MA (USA)
Merce Cunningham: Common Time – Merce and his Collaborators, The Walker Arts Center & The Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, IL (USA)
Stalke PoP Up kuratiert von / curated by Sam Jedig, Stalke Gallery, Kopenhagen (DK)
Silver Linings kuratiert von / curated by Fran Kaufmann; Künstler / Artists: Dove Bradshaw, Robert Indiana, William John Kenned, Nancy Lorenz, Gino Miles, Cordy Ryman, Thalen&Thalen, Long Sharp Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
25th Annual African Artist’s Benefit – African Rainforest Conservancy, Künstler / Artists: Alex Beard, Alison Jones, Beezy Bailey and Dave Matthews, Beth O’Donnell, Billy Ruiz, Carlo Mari, Carol Beckwith and Angela Fisher, Chris Dei, Chris Jordan, Chuck Close, Dalton Portella, Eliza Milliken, Gerald Forster, Huger Foote, Janet Heaton, Jonnie Miles, Mirella Ricciardi, Nick Brandt, Paige Deponte, Ricky Lee Gordon, Spencer Tunick, Susanna Noel Jolly, Trecy Bleic, Tribecca Rooftop, New York, NY (USA)
Nest kursiert von / curated by Elizabeth Rooklidge, Künstler / Artists: Sharon Beals, Sanford Biggers, Dove Bradshaw, Björn Braun, John Burtle, Walton Ford, Shiela Hale, Fiona Hall, Porky Hefer, Nina Katchadourian, Louise Lawler, Judy Pfaff, James Prosek, Hunt Slonem, Kiki Smith, Andreas Sterzing, Paul Villinski, and David Wojnarowic, The Katonah Museum of Art, Katonah, New York, NY (USA)
Flashback and Guests, 15th Anniversary of Stalke Gallery Kirke-Sonnerup, Denmark kuratiert von / curated by Sam Jedig, Künstler / Artists: Michael Coughlan, Thorbjørn Bechmann, Hartmut Stockter, William Anthony, Torben Ebbesen, Margrete Sørensen, Snorri Asmundsson, Lone Skov Madsen, Kaj Nyborg, Morten Tillitz, Steinunn Helga Sigurdardóttir, Hulda Vilhjamsdóttir, Ditte Bolt, Christoph Draeger, Helgi Fridjónsson, Markus Vater, Jeffrey Hargrave, Tony Garifalakis, Søren Dahlgaard, Cordy Ryman, Jenny Watson, Julia Oschartz, Bella Angora, Gunnar Örn, William Anastasi, Vu Thi Trang, Dove Bradshaw, Tiina Elina Nurminen, Nikolaj Recke, Anne Bennike, Jeannette Ehlers, Sigurgeir Sigurjónsson, Susanne Eybl, Berit Heggenhougen-Jensen, Thorbjørn Lausten, Albert Mertz, Janet Passehl, Lone Mertz, Henrik Prydsbeck, Tyler Vlahovic, Jamie Isenstein, Monique van Genderen, Thomas Bang, Jes Brinch, Gudmundur Ingolfsson, Stalke Galerie, Kirke-Sonnerup (DK)
Museum of Stones kuratiert von / curated by Dakin Hart, Künstler / Artists: Janine Antoni, Wallace Berman, Mel Bochner, Dove Bradshaw, Donald Burgy, Scott Burton, Vija Celmins, Mariana Cook, Wim Delvoye, Jimmie Durham, Mitch Epstein, Jochen Gerz, Richard Long, Stephen Lichty, Isamu Noguchi, Rupert Norfolk, Yoko Ono, Gabriel Orozco, John Perreault, Howard Rosenthal, Toshiko Takaezu, Tom Sachs, Bosco Sodi, Stephanie Syjuco, Lawrence Weiner, Tarek Zaki along with Qing Dynasty works, 16th Century unidentified artist, Ni Yuanlu (Chinese, 1593–1644), Lan Ying (Chinese, 1585–1664), Ruan Yuan (Chinese, 1764–1849), 1840–1896), Pu Ru (Chinese, 1896–1963), Ren Yi /Ren Bonian (Chinese, Xie Zhiliu (Chinese, 1910–1997), Noguchi Museum, New York, NY (USA)
„highlights“ Anastasi/Bradshaw/Gefeller/Hemsworth/Hendricks/Houlihan, Thomas Rehbein Galerie,Köln
Fifth Free International Forum, in memory of Patricia Zari and Massimo Riposati, Creative Life kuratier von / curated by Lucrezia Durini, The Place of Nature, Bologna (IT)
Grey is the Color, if I had a Heart, Marc Straus Gallery kuratiert von / curated by Tim Hawkinson, New York, NY (USA)
Paper and Performance: The Bent Page kuratiert von / curated by Katie Anani, Blanton Museum of Art, Austin, TX (USA)
Anastasi/Bradshaw/Cage/Marioni/Rauschenberg – 1990/2014 Strategies of Non-Intention – John Cage and Artists He Collected kuratiert von / curated by Dove Bradshaw, Sandra Gering Gallery Inc., New York, NY (USA)
Transmission/Frequency: Tesla and His Legacy kuratiert von / curated by Jessica Hunter Larsen, Colorado College, Colorado Springs (USA)
Summer, Dove Bradshaw/Deborah Butterfield/Nicole Phungrasamee Fein/Connie Fox/April Gornik/Craig Kauffman/Susie MacMurray/Matthias Meyer/Larry Poons/Cheryl Ann Thomas/Lynne Woods Turner, Danese Corey Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Art=Text=Art: Works by Contemporary Artists, Works from the Sally and Wynn Kramarsky Collection, UB Anderson Gallery at the University at Buffalo, New York, NY (USA)
On View V, Stalke Galleri, Kirke-Sonnerup (DK)
In Daylight, Larry Becker Contemporary Art, Phiadelphia, PA (USA)
(Un)Seen kuratiert von / curated by Elyse Goldberg, Fountain Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Art=Text=Art, The Hafnarfjör∂ur Centre of Culture and Fine Art, Hafnarfjör∂ur (ISL)
Devil’s Heaven, The Watermill Center Summer Benefit 2013, Robert Wilson, Watermill, Long Island, New York, NY (USA)
Arts Crush 2013, Aspen Art Museum, Aspen, CO (USA)
ArtSpace64: Natural Elements (work loaned from the Werner H. Kramarsky Collection), Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY (USA)
One OF A KIND: an exhibition of unique artist’s books kuratiert von / curated by Heide Hatry, Owens Art Gallery in Sackville (CAN) / AC Institute, New York, NY (USA)
Cool, Calm, Collected, Danese Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
To Be Looked At…Summer Love, Larry Becker Contemporary Art, PA (USA)
Art=Text=Art, Rutgers University, NJ (USA)
Humor, seriously, The Museum of Modern Art, Esbjerg (DK)
John Cage, A Centennial Celebration (with friends), Carl Solway Gallery, CI (USA)
Wireless, Santa Barbara Arts Forum, Santa Barbara, CA (USA)
2011 The International Year of Chemistry, Elemental Matters, The Chemical Heritage Foundation, PA (USA)
What is Contemporary Art?, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Roskilde (DK)
Art=Text=Art: Works by Contemporary Artists – an exhibition of selections from the Sally & Wynn Kramarsky Collection, University of Richmond Museum, Richmond, VA (USA) / Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ (USA)
One of a Kind, Pierre Menard Gallery, Cambridge und Garcia Gallery, New York, NY USA)
ARTStamps kuratiert von / curated by Sam Jedig, Kunsthal Brænderigården, Viborg (DK)
Elemental Matters: Artists Imagine Chemistry kuratiert von / curated by Marge Gapp, Chemical Heritage Foundation, PA (USA)
What Is Contemporary Art?, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Roskilde (DK)
Selected Works, Stalke Out of Space, Kirke-Sonnerup, Roskilde (DK)
Group Exhibition, Gallery Poulson, Kopenhagen (DK)
The Missing Peace, Artists and the Dalai Lama kuratiert von / curated by Randy Rosenberg, San Antonio Museum of Art, San Antonio, TX (USA)
Intolerance kuratiert von / curated by Christopher Whittey und / and Gerald Ross, Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore (USA)
Biennial Winter Salon, Elga Wimmer Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Reunion 2010: The Night of Future Past, Ryerson Theater, Toronto as part of Nuit Blanche / All night Contemporary Art Festival, Toronto (CAN)
Performance Art Benefit, Lehman Maupin Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Love in Verin: Editions Fawbush projects and artists 2005–2010 kuratiert von / curated by Kuratoren Russell Calabrese und / and Thomas Jones, Gering Lopez Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Drawn/Taped/Burned: Abstraction on Paper, Katonah Museum of Art, New York, NY (USA)
Connexions, The Esbjerg Museum of Modern Art, Esbjerg (DK)
The 21st Century Woman – Margaret Fuller and the Sacred Marriage kuratiert von / curated by Inge Merete, Pierre Menard Gallery, Cambridge, MA (USA)
On Paper kuratiert von / curated by Sam Jedig, Stalke Gallery / Kirke-Sonnerup Gallery (DK)
At 21: Gifts and Promised Gifts in Hoor of The Contemporary Museum’s 20th Anniversary, The Contemporary Museum of Honolulu, HI (USA)
Post Cards From the Edge, Visual Aids, Metro Picture, New York, NY (USA)
One more, Thomas Rehbein Galerie, Köln
John Cage Merce Cunnignham Collection, Christies Auction House, New York, NY (USA)
The Third Mind: Americans Contemplate Asia kuratiert von / curated by Alexandra Munroe, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York , NY (USA)
Five Americans – Lawrence Anastasi/William Anastasi/William Antony/Michael Coughlan/Dove Bradshaw,Borup Artcenter, Kopenhagen (DK)
Group Exhibition – William Anastasi/Dove Bradshaw/Robert Ryman/Merrill Wagner, Björn Ressle Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
The Missing Peace – Artists and the Dalai Lama, Hillside Terrace, Shibuya, Tokyo (JPN)
Choosing kuratiert von / curated by Robert Barry, Künstler / Artists: William Anastasi, Dove Bradshaw, Peter Downsbrough, Tadaaki Kuwayama, Maurizio Nannucci, Richard Nonas, Richard Williams, Andrée Sfeir-Semler Gallery, Hamburg
Brooklyn Rail Benefit, Pace Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Aldrich Museum Benefit, Ridgefield, CT (USA)
ONE More: In Memorial to Sol LeWitt kuratiert von / curated by Dove Bradshaw; Künstler / Artists: Lawrence Anastasi, William Anastasi, Carl Andre, Robert Barry, Dove Bradshaw, Marcia Hafif, Jene Highstein, Melissa Kretschmer, Sol LeWitt, Richard Nonas, Janet Passehl, Cordy Ryman, Robert Ryman, Merrill Wagner Esbjerg Museum of Modern Art, Esbjerg (DK)
ONE More: In Memorial to Sol LeWitt, Björn Ressle Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
White Box Annex, New York, NY (USA)
Benefit Auction, Mattress Factory, Pittsburgh, PA (USA)
Postcards From the Edge, Benefit Creative Time, James Cohan Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Sol LeWitt Collection, Weatherspoon Art Museum, N.C. (USA)
Invention, Merce Cunningham & Collaborators collaborative Arbeit mit / collaborative work with Merce Cunningham, The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, Lincoln Center, New York, NY (USA)
Fresh, The Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA), Los Angeles, CA (USA)
LeWitt x 2, The Miami Art Museum, Miami, FL (USA)
The Missing Peace: Artists Consider the Dalai Lama, opening at UCLA Fowler Museum of Cultural History, Loyola University Museum of Art, Chicago, IL (USA) / Rubin Museum of Art, New York, NY (USA) / Frost Museum, Miami, FL (USA) / Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei (TWN); (Wanderausstellung / travelling exhibition)
William Anastasi/Stuart Arends/Ragna Berlin/Dove Bradshaw/Robert G. Edelman/Jene Highstein/Kika Karadi/Sol LeWitt/Anne Senstad/Howard Smith/Marjorie Welish, Bjorn Ressle Fine Art, New York, NY (USA)
SALT MOUNTAIN; Künstler / Artists: Malin Abrahamsson, Nancy Bonior, Dove Bradshaw, Nancy Brooks, Christopher Clark, Arlene Cornell, Michael Falco, Kathy Fieramosca, Griselda Healy, Patricia Melvin, Kristi Pfister, Ann Marie McDonnell, Michael McWeeney, The Maritime Museum, Staten Island, New York, NY (USA)
The Missing Peace: Artists Consider the Dalai Lama, UCLA Fowler Museum of Cultural History, Loyola University Museum of Art, Chicago, IL (USA) / Rubin Museum of Art, New York, NY (USA); (Wanderausstellung / travelling exhibition)
Six Continents, Gwangju Bienalle (KOR)
LeWitt x 2, inaugurating the new building of the Madison Museum in Madison, WIS (USA)
Aldrich Undercover, Aldrich Museum Exhibition and Benefit, Ridgefield, CT (USA)
Anastasi Bradshaw Cage Cunningham kuratiert von / curated by Marianne Bech und / and Dove Bradshaw, The University Art Museum, The University of California, San Diego, CA (USA)
Summer Group, Larry Becker Contemporary Art, PA (USA)
Reality kuratiert von / curated by Sam Jedig mit / with Olafur Eliasson; Künstler / Artists: Christoph Dreager, Per Bak Jensen, William Anastasi, Kristleifur Björnsson, Dove Bradshaw, Christian Falsnaes og Bella Angora, Jeppe Hein, Gudmundur Ingolfsson, Per Bak Jensen, Joachim Koester, Esko Männikkö, Kristian Hornsleth, Lone Mertz, Morten Nilsson, Nikolaj Recke, Beat Streuli, Annika Ström, Kirke Sonnerup (DK); Benefit for The Museum of Contemporary Art, LAMOCA, Los Angeles, CA (USA)
Edge Level Ground: William Anastasi, Dove Bradshaw, Ulrigh Erben, Jack Sal, Christian Sery, Stephanie Hering Gallery, Berlin
William Anastasi Dove Bradshaw, Les Yeux du Monde, Charlottesville, VA (USA)
Opening Celebration of the Rubin Museum of Art, The Museum of Tibetan Art, New York, NY (USA)
Summer Group Exhibition, Larry Becker Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, PA (USA)
Abracadaver – The 2004 Paperveins Museum of Art Biennial kuratiert von / curated by Koan Jeff Baysa, The Here Art Center, New York, NY (USA)
Stereognost & Propriocept kuratiert von / curated by Koan Jeff Baysa und / and Donald Kunze; Künstler / Artists: William Anastasi, Dove Bradshaw, Thomas Caggiano, Alexandre Charriol, Jinkee Choi, Ian Curry & Mariko Tanaka, Angela Freiberger & Carla Rocha, Myk Henry, Wendy Jacob, Stephen Lang, Michael Madore, Robert Narracci, Dennis Oppenheim, Austin Schull, Marco Scoffier, The Lab Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Dove Bradshaw and Ian Schals, Stalke Gallery, Roskilde (DK)
Bottle Art Contemporary Art and Vernacular Tradition kuratiert von / curated by Richard Klein; Künstler / Artists: Joseph Beuys, Dove Bradshaw, Bethany Bristow, Moyra Davey,Tony Feher, Howard Finster, Phil Frost, David Hammons, Mona Hatoum, Damien Hirst, Donald Lipski, Whitfield Lovell, Josiah McElheny, Barry McGee, Sean Mellyn, Olivia Parker, Maria Proges, Rosamond Purcell, Charles Ray, Alison Saar, Arlene Shechet, Claude Simard, Kiki Smith, William Wegman, Jil Weinstock, The Aldrich Museum, Ridgefield, CT (USA) / Works from The John Cage Collection, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Roskilde (DK)
The Invisible Thread: Buddhist Spirit in Contemporary Art; Künstler / Artists: Marina Abramovic, William Anastasi, Jill Baroff, Xu Bing, Dove Bradshaw, James Lee Byars, John Cage, Top Changtrakul, Long-bin Chen, Lewis deSoto, Louise Fishman, Tom Friedman, Joe Fyfe, Richard Gere, Max Gimblett, Andrew Ginzel, John Giorno, Morris Graves, Alex Grey, Nancy Haynes, Jene Highstein, Kenro Izu, Therese Lahaie, Shu-Min Lin, John Daido Loori, Roshi, Adelle Lutz, Tri Huu Luu, Piero Manzoni, Agnes Martin, Chris Martin, Thomas Merton, Meredith Monk, Frank Moore, Mariko Mori, Stephen Mueller, Judith Murray, Isamu Noguchi, Jimmy Ong, Yoko Ono, Nam June Paik, Ad Reinhardt, Arlene Shechet, Chrysanne Stathacos, Pat Steir, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Philip Taaffe, Tattfoo Tan, Kazuaki Tanahashi, Hoang Van-Bui, Bill Viola, Nicholas Vreeland, Minor White, Terry Winters, curated by Robyn Brentano, Roger Lipsey and Lilly Wei, Snug Harbor New York, NY (USA)
THE RECURRENT, HAUNTING GHOST: Reflections on Marcel Duchamp in Modern and Contemporary Art, Francis M. Nauman Fine Art, New York, NY (USA)
Topoi of Nature kuratiert von / curated by Stephanie Hering; Künstler / Artists: mit Dove Bradshaw, Ulrich Erben, Paul-Arnaud Gette, Jon Sheltan, Volckers & freunde Gallery, Berlin
Frankenstein kursiert von / curated by Ethan Sklar; Künstler / Artists: Dove Bradshaw, Renee Coppola, Olafur Eliasson/Elias Hjorleifson, Katy Grannan, Damien Hirst, Sam Kusack, Ivan Navarro, Rivane Neuenschwander, Danica Phelps, Roxy Paine, Roman Signer, Gillian Wearing, Erwin Wurm, Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Selections from the LeWitt Collection kuratiert von / curated by Sol LeWitt, New Britain Museum of American Art, New Britain, CT (USA)
White Box Benefit Auction, James Cohan Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Memorial Concert For John Cage 1912–1992 (Performances von / by William Anastasi, Ledger, Dove Bradshaw, Fire), Gary Tatinsian Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Charles Carpenter Collection kuratiert von / curated by Richard Kline, The Aldrich Museum, Ridgefield, CT (USA)
Summer White, Some Are Not; Künstler / Artists: Stuart Arends, Dove Bradshaw, David Goerk, Barry Goldberg, Kocot and Hattan, Jim Lee, Quentin Morris, Jon Poblador, Steve Riedell, Bill Walton, John Zurier, Larry Becker Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, PA (USA)
blobs, wiggles and dots kuratiert von / curated by Lucio Pozzi, The Work Space, New York, NY (USA)
jesus-c-oddsize kuratiert von / curated by Kirsten Dehlholm, Nikolaj Contemporary Art Center, Kopenhagen (DK)
Benefit for the Drawing Center – From Formerly Exhibited Artists, The Drawing Center, New York, NY (USA)
Collaborations, Dieu Donne, New York, NY (USA)
Mattress Factory 25th Anniversary Auction, Mattress Factory, Pittsburgh (USA)
Postcards from the Edge – Benefit for Creative Time, James Cohan Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Whitebox Benefit kuratiert von / curated by Juan Puntes, Whitebox Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
I love New York, Gary Tatinzian Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Art Walk NY, Metropolitan Pavilion, New York, NY (USA)
Anastasi, Bradshaw, Cage kuratiert von / curated by Marianna Bech und / and Dove Bradshaw, Museum of Contemporary Art, Roskilde (DK)
Renaissance Press, Spheris Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Century of Innocence – The History of the White Monochrome kuratiert von / curated by Bo Nilsson; Künstler / Artists: William Anastasi, Dove Bradshaw, Lucio Fontana, Robert Gober, Mona Hatoum, Callum Innes, Jasper Johns, Elssworth Kelly, Clay Ketter, Yves Klein, Wolfgang Laib, Sherrie Levine, Sol LeWitt, Kasimir Malevitch, Piero Manzoni, Gerhard Merz, Ben Nicholson, Robert Rauschenberg, Robert Ryman, Karin Sander, Sophie Tauber-Arp, Gunter Uecker, Franz West, Dan Wolgers, Remy Zaugg, Rooseum Contemporary Art Center, Malmö (SWE)
Century of Innocence – The History of the White Monochrome, kuratiert von / curated by Bo Nilsson, Liljevalchs Konstall, Stockholm (SWE)
Hindsight/Fore-sight: Art for the New Millennium kuratiert von / curated by Lyn Bolen Rushton; Künstler / Artists: Susan Bacik, Dove Bradshaw, Tim Curtis, Agnes Denes, Rosemarie Fiore, Ann Hamilton,Michael Mercil, Todd Murphy, Dennis Oppenheim, Beatrix Ost, Luscio Pozzi, among others, Bayly Art Museum, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA (USA)
Destruction/Creation kuratiert von / curated by Rosa Essman und / and Adam Boxer; Künstler / Artists: Abramovic, Acconci, Anastasi, Arman, Bradshaw, Burden, LeWitt, Lichtenstein, Matta-Clark, Mendieta, Tinguely, Warhol, Ubu Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Reconstructions kuratiert von / curated by Sandra Kraskin; Künstler / Artists: Dove Bradshaw, Richmond Burton, Lydia Dona, Vernon Fisher, Melissa Gwyn, Jane Hammond, Ellen K. Levy, Doug Martin, Donna Moylan, Alexis Rockman, Juan Usle, Darren Waterston, The Sidney Mishkin Gallery, Baruch College, New York, NY (USA)
Recent Acquisitions kuratiert von / curated by Innis Schumacher, The Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA (USA)
Art on Paper – The 36th Art On Paper Exhibition kuratiert von / curated by Ron Platt and Nancy Doll, Weatherspoon Art Museum, Greensboro, NC (USA)
Ethereal and material kuratiert von / curated by Dede Young; Künstler / Artists: Sarah Biemiller, Dove Bradshaw, Mary Carlson, Enrique Martinez Celaya, Lesley Dill, Margaret Evanegeline, Ann Hamilton, Oliver Herring, Ron Janowich, Tobi Kahn, Linda Matalon, Claudia Matzko, Brigitte Nahon, Stacey Neff, Melinda Stickney-Gibson, Ann Sperry, Kiki Smith, Adam Straus, Julie Trager, Delaware Center for the Arts, Wilmington, Delaware (USA)
Fluid Flow kuratiert von / curated by Valerie McKensie, Graham Modern, New York, NY (USA)
Postcards From the Edge, Benefit for Visual Aide, New York, NY (USA)
Renaissance Press 13th Anniversary Exhibition kuratiert von / curated by Paul Taylor, John Stevenson Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Primary Source kuratiert von / curated by Regina Coppela; Künstler / Artists: Roger Ackling, Dove Bradshaw, Sandy Gellis, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA (USA)
Merce Cunningham Fifty Years, La Fundacio Antoni Tapies, Barcelona (ESP) / Fundaçao De Seralves, Porto (PRT) / Castello Di Rivoli (IT) / Museum Moderna Kunst, Stiftung Palais Lichtenstein, Wien (AUT)
Phenotypology kuratiert von / curated by Maureen McQuillen, Hallwalls, Buffalo, MN (USA)
Nature/Process kuratiert von / curated by Kathleen Stoughton; Künstler / Artists: Roger Ackling, Dove Bradshaw, Mineko Grimmer, Daniel Ladd, Garnett Puett, Mario Reis, Canan Tolon, Jonathan White, University Art Museum, University of California at San Diego, San Diego, CA (USA)
Manna Benefit for the Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibet kuratiert von / curated by Elizabeth Rogers, White Box Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Benefit, Sculpture Center, New York, NY (USA)
Summer Group Exhibition, Larry Becker Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, PA (USA)
Re: Duchanp / Contemporary Artists Respond to Marcel Duchamp’s Influence kuratiert von / curated by Mike Bidlo, Abraham Lubelski Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Works on Paper kuratiert von / curated by Jacqueline Brody, Dieu Donne, New York, NY (USA)
Into Focus: Art on Science kuratiert von / curated by Adrienne Klein; Künstler / Artists: Suzanne Anker, Dove Bradshaw, Robert Chambers, Agnes Denes, Francois Deschamps + Judith Mohns, Eve Andree Larameé, Ann Lovett, Ross Martin, Michael Oatman, Catherine Wagner, Louise Wilson, Daniel Zeller, Mandeville Gallery, Union College, Schenectady, New York, NY (USA)
Pieces kuratiert von / curated by Silvia Netzer, 128 Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Dove Bradshaw, William Anastasi, Margrethe Sorensen, Torbin Ebbeson kuratiert von / curated by Sam Jedig, Stalke Gallery, Kopenhagen (DK)
From Time to Time kuratiert von / curated by Sarah Slavick und / and Kevin Rainey, Iris and Gerald B. Cantor Art Gallery, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA (USA)
10th Anniversary Exhibition, Stalke Gallery, Kopenhagen (DK)
Artists’ Books kuratiert von / curated by Ann Gaulick; Künstler / Artists: Anastasi, Baldessari, Bourgeois, Bradshaw, Brassai, de Kooning, Johns, Kelly, Matisse, Ryman, Baumgartner Galleries, Washington, DC (USA)
Charles Carpenter Collection kuratiert von / curated by Mark Francis; Künstler / Artists: Vito Acconci, William Anastasi, Janine Antoni, Linda Benglis, Dove Bradshaw, Jim Dine, Jean Dubuffet, Spencer Finch, Alan Johnston, Ellsworth Kelly, Franz Kline, John Latham, John Marin, Kenneth Noland, Claes Oldenburg, Jules Olitski, Jackson Pollock, Ad Reinhardt, Richard Stankiewicz, Myron Stout, Mark Toby, Fred Tomaselli, Charles Shaw, Frank Stella, Andy Warhol, Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh and The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY (USA)
Time Wise kuratiert von / curated by Karen Kuoni; Künstler / Artists: William Anastasi, Dove Bradshaw, Wolfgang Laib, The Swiss Institute, New York, NY (USA)
Time, Memory and the Limits of Photography kuratiert von / curated by Ellen Handy, Center for Photography at Woodstock, Woodstock, New York, NY (USA)
Vital Matrix kuratiert von / curated by Jane Hart, Domestic Setting, Los Angeles, CA (USA)
depart kuratiert von / curated by Bernard Toale, Bernard Toale Gallery, Boston, MA (USA)
Indeterminacy with Blind Drawings by William Anastasi, Werner Kramarsky, New York, NY (USA)
Contingency with Autobodyography by William Anastasi, Sandra Gering Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Painting in Transition kuratiert von / curated by Barry Rosenberg; Künstler / Artists: Helen Aylon, Dove Bradshaw, Jane Laudi, The Aldrich Museum, Ridgefield, CT (USA)
William Anastasi Drawing Sounds: An Installation in Honor of John Cage kuratiert von / curated by Ann D’Harnoncourt, The Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA (USA)
The Return of the Cadavre Equis kuratiert von / curated by Anne Philbin, The Drawing Center, New York, NY (USA) / Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, DC (USA) / Santa Monica Museum of Art, Santa Monica, CA (USA) / Forum for Contemporary Art, St. Louis (USA) / The American Center, Paris (FRA); (Wanderausstellung / travelling exhibition)
Rolywholyover Circus kuratiert von / curated by John Cage und / and Julie Lazar, The Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art, LA (USA) / The Menil Collection, Houston, TX (USA) / Solomon R Guggenheim Museum, Soho, New York, NY (USA) / The Philadelphia Museum of Art, PA (USA) / Mito Art Tower, Mito (JPN); (Wanderausstellung / travelling exhibition)
Concurrencies II kuratiert von / curated by Lucio Pozzi, William Patterson College, New Jersey, NJ (USA)
Summer Group Show kuratiert von / curated by Sandra Gering, Sandra Gering Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Group Exhibition kuratiert von / curated by Kim Montgomery und / and Carolyn Glasoe, Montgomery Glasoe Fine Art, Minneapolis, MN (USA)
Work From The Permanent Collection, The ‘80’s Room (Nothing, Series, 1989) kuratiert von / curated by Charles F. Stuckey, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL (USA)
The Feminine in Abstract Art kuratiert von / curated by Shirley Kaneda; Künstler / Artists: Dove Bradshaw, Cora Cohen, Mary Heilman, Shirley Kaneda, Jonathan Laskar, The Sandra Gering Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Concurrrencies kuratiert von / curated by Lucio Pozzi, Grace Borgenicht Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Drawn in the ‘90’s kuratiert von / curated by Joshua P. Smith, Katonah Museum of Art, Katonah, New York, NY (USA)
Carnegie International – Exhibited by John Cage as part of his presentation (Achtundvierzig Werke / Forty-eight works, je zwölf von / twelve each by Dove Bradshaw, John Cage, Mary Jean Kenton, Marsha Skinner), The Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, PA (USA)
How to Use Small Areas in a Dozen Different Ways to Bring a Room to Life kuratiert von / curated by Bogdan Perzryuski, Arte Museum, Austin, TX (USA)
New York Diary: Almost 25 Different Things to See kuratiert von / curated by Ryzsard Wasco und / and Zdenka Gabalova, PS1 Contemporary Art Center, LIC, New York, NY (USA)
Selections / Winter ’91 kuratiert von / curated by Anne Philbin, The Drawing Center, New York, NY (USA)
Drawings of the Eighties Part II (from the Permanent Collection) kuratiert von / curated by Bernice Rose, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY (USA)
Anastasi, Bradshaw, Cage, Marioni, Rauschenberg, Tobey kuratiert von / curated by Dove Bradshaw, Sandra Gering Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Lines of Vision kuratiert von / curated by Dr. Judy K. Collishan Van Wagner, Blum Helman and C.W. Post, New York, NY (USA)
Chaos kuratiert von / curated by Laura Trippi, The New Museum, New York, NY (USA)
Benefit for Merce Cunningham Dance Company kuratiert von / curated by David Vaughan, Blum Helman, New York, NY (USA)
Spring Group Show kuratiert von / curated by Karen Bravin, Lang and O’Hara Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Benefit for the Contemporary Performance Arts Foundation kuratiert von / curated by John Cage und / and Jasper Johns, Castelli Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Benefit for AIDS kuratiert von / curated by Susan Lorence und / and Bob Monk, Lorence Monk Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Merce Cunningham and His Collaborators: William Anastasi, Dove Bradshaw, John Cage, Bob Rauschenberg, Andy Warhol, Bruce Nauman, Mark Lancaster, Morris Graves, Lehman College Art Gallery, City University of New York, NY (USA)
On Line, An Exhibition of Drawings kuratiert von / curated by Billy Biondi; Künstler / Artists: William Anastasi, Joe Andoe, Dove Bradshaw, Jennifer Bartlett, Larry Carrol, Sherrie Levine, Joseph Nechvatal, Karen Shaw, Meg Webster, City Without Walls, Newark, NJ (USA)
Group, Lorence Monk Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Science Museum, Koran-Sha Company, Tokyo (JPN)
Benefit for Merce Cunningham Dance Company kuratiert von / curated by Jasper Johns, Castelli Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Ann Ryan – Dove Bradshaw kuratiert von / curated by Ann Lauterbach, Joan Washburn Gallery, Soho, New York, NY (USA)
Group Exhibition kuratiert von / curated by Ann Lauterbach, Joan Washburn Gallery, Soho, New York, NY (USA)
Exhibition in Honor of John Cage’s Birthday – with Anastasi, Bradshaw, Cage kuratiert von / curated by Judith Pisar, The American Center in Paris, Paris (FRA)
8 Painters kuratiert von / curated by Dove Bradshaw; Künstler / Artists: Jon Abbot, William Anastasi, Dove Bradshaw, Dana Gordon, Bruce Halpin, Carl Kielblock, Theodoros Stamos, Douglas Vogel, The Ericson Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Group Show kuratiert von / curated by Takis Efstanthiou; Künstler / Artists: Jon Abbott, William Anastasi, Dove Bradshaw, Tim Crowley, Dionisis, Espilit, Francine Gintoff, Dana Gordon, Bruce Halpin, Carl Kielblock, Clayton Mitropoulos, Edith Newhall, Robert Quijada, Stamos, Yvonne Thomas, Douglas Vogel, Gerald Wolfe, Ericson Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Small Works, Open Competition, New York University, New York, NY (USA)
Sound kuratiert von / curated by Alanna Heiss, PS1 Contemporary Art Center, LIC, New York, NY (USA)
Fluxus’ New Interpreters kuratiert von / curated by Peter Frank, Interart Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Couples kuratiert von / curated by Alanna Heiss; Künstler / Artists: Klaus Rinke and Monika Baumgartle, William Anastasi and Dove Bradshaw, Bernard and Hilla Becker, Nam June Paik and Shegeko Kabuta, the Harrisons, PS1 Contemporary Art Center, LIC, New York, NY (USA)
New Talent kuratiert von / curated by Allan Stone, The Allan Stone Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Two Person Exhibition kuratiert von / curated by Terry Davis, Graham Modern, New York, NY (USA)
Fendrick Gallery, Washington, DC (USA)
New Talent kuratiert von / curated by Allan Stone Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Sammlungen / Collections
The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY (USA)
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY (USA)
The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago (USA)
The Birmingham Museum of Art, Alabama (USA)
National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC (USA)
The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, CA (USA)
The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY (USA)
Brooklyn Museum of Art, Brooklyn, New York, NY (USA)
The Getty Center, Santa Monica, CA (USA)
LeWitt Collection, Chester, CT (USA)
Fogg Art Museum, Havard University, Cambridge (USA)
Museum of Contemporary Art, Roskilde (DK)
Kunstmuseum Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf
Centre Pompidou, Paris (FRA)
Moderna Museet, Stockholm (SWE)
The Phillips Collection, Washington, DC (USA)
Rubin Museum of Art, New York, NY (USA)
The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, CA (USA)
Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, PA (USA)
The Mattress Factory Museum, Pittsburgh, PA (USA)
The New School for Social Research, New York, NY (USA)
The State Russian Museum, St. Petersberg (RUS)
Arkansas Arts Center, Arkansas (USA)
Art Sciene Research Laboratory, New York, NY (USA)
Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Brunswick, MN (USA)
Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, Cedar Rapids, Iowa (USA)
Contemporay Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii (USA)
Fields Sculpture Park at Art OMI International Arts Center, Gent (BEL) / New York (USA)
Laurel House, Stamford, CT (USA)
Prudential Insurance Company, NeJ (USA)
Sony Capitol Corporation, New York, NY (USA)
Syracuse University, Utica, New York, NY (USA)
Tufts University, Medford, MA (USA)
Catalogues and Publications
Unintended Consequences, Danese Corey Gallery, New York, NY (USA), 2016
Timepiece, Danese Corey Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Bradshaw, Dove (Essay): Strategies of Non-Intention 1990/2014 – John Cage and Artists He Collected: Anastasi, Bradshaw, Cage, Marioni, Rauschenberg, Tobey, Sandra Gering Inc., New York, NY (USA)
Dove Bradshaw 1999–2011, Stalke Edition, Kopenhagen (DK)
Still Conversing With Cage, Dove Bradshaw, Université Paris-Sorbonne, Paris (FRA)
ZERO SPACE, ZERO TIME, INFINITE HEAT. ANGLES 12 ROTATIONS. QUICK CONSTRUCTIONS, 2000-2010, (Limitierte Auflage von 10 / Limited edition of 10), selbst publiziert mit Texten von / self-published with texts by Edward J. Sozanski, Edith Newhall and Roberta Fallon
SALT, 1996–2006, (Limitierte Auflage von 10 / Limited edition of 10), selbst publiziert / self-published
Frankel, David: IMAGES, 1971–2010, (Limitierte Auflage von 10 / Limited edition of 10), selbst publiziert / self-published
Bradshaw, Dove (Essay): CONTINGENCY, 2010…2014, selbst publiziert / self-published
Texte der Künstlerin, / Texts by the artist, John Cage, Thomas McEvilley, Regina Coppola, Barry Schwabsky, Ken Johnson, Reagan Upshaw, Duncan McClean, Simon Schuster und / and Charlie Stuckey: CONTINGENCY 1984–2014, (Limitierte Auflage von 10 / Limited edition of 10), selbst publiziert / self-published
Texte der Künstlerin / Texts by the artist: PLAIN AIR, (Limitierte Auflage von 10 / Limited edition of 10), selbst publiziert / self-published
Texte der Künstlerin und David Vaughan / Texts by the artist and David Vaughan: MERCE CUNNINGHAM DANCE COMPANY – Decor and Lighting, Dove Bradshaw, 1984–1990, (Limitierte Auflage von 10 / Limited edition of 10), selbst publiziert / self-published
EAST WEST – Anastasi, Bradshaw, Flavin, Kuwayama, Björn Ressle Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
ONE Copenhagen kuratiert von / curated by Dove Bradshaw und / and Sam Jedig, Stalke Up-North, Kopenhagen (DK)
Texte der Künstlerin / Texts by the artist: COPPER & STONE – 1993–2008, (Limitierte Auflage von 10 / Limited edition of 10), selbst publiziert / self-published
RADIO ROCKS – 1998–2008, (Limitierte Auflage von 10 / Limited edition of 10), selbst publiziert zum Anlass der / self-published on the occasion of Radio Rocks exhibition at Larry Becker Contemporary Art, PA (USA)
ONE More, Esbjerg Museum of Modern Art, Esbjerg (DK)
Stuckey, Charles: Time Matters, Pierre Menard Gallery, Cambridge, MA (USA)
Stuckey, Charles: Time & Material, Senzatitolo Gallery, Rom (IT)
McEvilley, Thomas / Batty, Mark (Hg.): The Art of Dove Bradshaw, West New York, NJ (USA)
Anastasi, Bradshaw, Cage, Ausst.-Kat., The Museum of Contemporary Art, Roskilde (DK)
Dove Bradshaw – Jan Henle, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, CA (USA)
Dove Bradshaw: Inconsistency, Sandra Gering Gallery, New York, NY (USA) / Stalke Gallery, Kopenhagen (DK)
Dove Bradshaw: Contingency and Indeterminacy (Film), Stalke Gallery, Kopenhagen (DK)
Dove Bradshaw: Living Metal, Pier Gallery, Stromness, Orkney (GB-SCT)
Dove Bradshaw: Interdeterminacy, Sandra Gering Gallery, New York, NY (USA) / Stalke Gallery, Kopenhagen (DK)
Dove Bradshaw: Works 1969–1993 – „John Cage and Thomas McEvilley: A Conversation“, Sandra Gering Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Anastasi, Bradshaw, Cage, Marioni, Rauschenberg, Tobey, Sandra Gering Gallery, New York, NY (USA)
Artikel / Articles
Auswahl / Selection
Van Gorchum, Helen: Combining Ideology and Ineterminacy – Dove Bradshaws First Dutch Exhibition, in: Metropolis M, Dezember/Januar 2016
Kuspit, Donald: Dove Bradshaw, in: ARTForum, Mai 2016
Lansworth, Bob: Dove Bradshaw – Triangular Abstraction, in: Wide Walls, 25.02.2016
De Cravenour, Muriel: Dove Bradshaw Contingency Traces – Galerie Rehbein, MU in the CITY, in: Visual Arts Magazine blog, 2016
Styrie, Hanna: Wenn Zeit sichtbar wird – Thomas Rehbein zeigt Arbeiten von Stammkünstlern, in: Kölnische Rundschau, 22.07.2015
McDermon, David: How to see Eternity in a Pile of Rocks, in: The New York Times, 18.12.2015
Tauber, Natasha: Collhand Hunting, Studio Visit: Conceptual Artist Dove Bradshaw – A look behind some of her stone work at the Noguchi Museum, in:, 2015
Dillon, Noah: Gray ist he Color if I Had a Heart, in:, 10.08.2015
Laska, Eric: Dove Bradshaw: Strategies of Non-Intention, in: lateraladdition #19, März 2015
Ruas, Charles: Strategies of Non-Intention, in: Art News Reviews: New York, S.1, 2015
Newhall, Edith: Galleries: Bradshaw’s art highlights chance – indeterminacy, in: Philadelphia Inquirer, 4.11.2012
Hayden-Guest, Anthony: Features – A hose by any other name, in: The Art Newspaper, Januar 2011, S. 48
Donohoe, Victori: Show features all 118 elements: Artists celebrate chemistry’s gifts, in: Philadelphia Inquirer, 18.02.2011
Brouwer, Chris / Schaefer, Madeline: New Exhibit Kicks Off the U. S. Celebration of IYC 2011, in:, Mai–Juni 2011
Duray, Dan: How the Met Got (Fire) Hosed, in:, 05.07.2011
Sangild, Torben: Stalke Up North exhibits art of subtle differences, in: Politiken, 03.07.2009
Hansen, Andreas: Full Blown Minimalism, in: The Art Newspaper, Juni 2009
Draxler, Saskia: ONE More, in: ARTForum, June, 2009
Hess, Barbara: Eine gute Idee – Einmal mehr Konzeptkunst und Minimal Art im Rheinland: Die Ausstellung „One more“ in der Galerie Rehbein, in: Stadt-Revue, Das Kölnmagazin, Februar 2009
Imdahl, Georg: Wenn die Bienen ausschwärmen, in: Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, 21.01.2009
Simpson, Joel: Björn Ressle Winter Salon, in: M Magazine, Januar 2009
Fallon, Roberta / Rosoff, Libby:, Juni 2008
Strauss, R.B.: Radio Rocks, Larry Becker Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, in: WEEKLY PRESS, 04.06.2008
Nurin, Tara: Radio Rocks, Larry Becker Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, in: Philadelphia Weekly, 05.06.2008
Newhall, Edith: „Channeling Sounds from Earth and Far Beyond“, Radio Rocks, Larry Becker Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, in: The Philadelphia Inquirer, 30.05.2008
Castro, Jan Garden: Dove Bradshaw, Bjorn Ressle Fine Art, New York, in: Sculpture Magazine, April 2008
Vine, Richard: Report From Gwangju (Gwangju Biennale), in: Art in America, Januar 2007, S. 71–72
Fressola, Michael J.: Arts & Ideas, White Gold, Salt Goes Beyond The Shaker at the Noble Maritime Collection, in: Staten Island Sunday Advance, 16.07.2006
Knight, Christopher: Around The Galleries, Fresh, original voices in LA: Six Continents, Los Angeles, in: The Los Angeles Times, 28.10.2005
Peter, Frank: Pick of the Week, in: LA Weekly, 11.–17.11.2005
Zlotnick, Diana: Salt of the Earth, NOTA, in: Newsletter On the Arts, Oktober 2005
Dea, Cynthia: Galleries: Pure Salt of the Earth, Calendar Weekend, in: Los Angeles Times, 26.10.2005
Morgan, Anne Barclay: Buddhism and Contemporary Sculpture The Manifestation of Awareness, in: Sculpture Magazine, September 2004, S. 48
Koplos, Janet: Between Science and Poetry, in: Art In America, Mai 2004, S. 150–151
Kamiaru, The Invisible Thread (Negative Ions II), cover story, Staten Island Source 2000, S. 8–14
Fressola, Michael: Good Buzz, No Yoko at Art Openin, in: The Staten Island Sunday Advance, 05.10.2003
Fressola, Michael: The Invisible Thread, in: Staten Island Advance, 26.02.2003
Krall, L.Brandon: Celebrate John Cage (Memorial concert, installation and performance of Infinity at Garry Tatinsian Gallery), in: New York Arts, Januar 2003, S. 25
Hornung, Peter Michael: Art Without Intentions (Anastasi Bradshaw Cage at Word Sound Image Museum, Roskilde, Denmark, review and reproduction), in: Politiken, 13.01.2001
Sozanski, Edward J.: Environmental Expressionism, in: The Philadelphia Inquirer 28.04.2000
Winn, Alice: Art Takes Flight on the Wings of Dove Bradshaw, in: Pittsburgh City Paper, 16.–23.06.1999
Lieberman, Claire: Stone: Mystery or Malaise, in: Sculpture Magazine February, 1999, S. 30
Chattopadhyay, Collete: Sculpture Magazine, Dove Bradshaw at LA MOCA, Januar–Februar 1999, S. 59–61
McDonough, Tom: Dove Bradshaw at Sandra Gering and Linda Kirkland, in: Art in America, November, 1998
Wright, Peg Churchill: Exhibition At Union College Brings Science Into Focus, in: Daily Gazette. 10.09.1998
Frank, Peter: Art Picks of the Week: Dove Bradshaw / Jan Henley, Eileen Cowen, in: LA Weekly, 16.–22.10.1998
Swed, Mark: The Contemporary (Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, Publication), (Dove Bradshaw / Jan Henle, LAMOCA), Sommer 1998
Wilson, William: Probing the Nature of Contemporary Art (Dove Bradshaw / Jan Henle, LAMOCA), in: The Los Angeles Times 24.08.1998, S. 29
New York Contemporary Art Report: Dove Bradshaw (Irrational Numbers at Sandra Gering and Linda Kirkland), Juni 1998
Johnson, Ken: Art Guide: Dove Bradshaw, in: The New York Times, 19.06.1998
Brody, Jacquiline: Dove Bradshaw: 2v0 (Introducing New Multiples), in: Art on Paper, September–Oktober 1998
Nigrosh, Leon: Art in Good Time: From Time to Time, in: The Worcester Phoenix, 03.10.1997
Tracy, Chris: The Crusader, From Time to Time, The College of Holy Cross, 27.09.1997
Morgan, Anne Barclay: Dove Bradshaw at Sandra Gering, in: ARTnews, Februar 1996, S. 136
McEvilley, Thomas: Rolywholyover, A (sic) Circus – The Menil Collection, in: Art Forum, April 1995
McLean, Duncan: Change and Decay, in: Scottish Press, 17.09.1995
Stapen, Nancy: 90’s Drawing: Beyond Pushing Pencils, in: The Boston Globe, 27.12.1993
Upshaw, Reagan: Dove Bradshaw at Sandra Gering, in: Art in America, November 1993, S. 122
Knight, Christopher: Cage’s Circus, A Three-Ring Sensual Blast, in: The Los Angeles Times, 1993
Pinchbeck, Daniel: Openings, in: Art and Antiques, März 1993
McEvilley, Thomas: In the Form of a Thistle (John Cage In Memoriam), in: ArtForum, Oktober 1992
Raynor, Vivian: Memorable Images In An Anthology of Drawings, in: The New York Times, 05.07.1992
Russell, John: The Secret Life of Art is Led in Drawings, in: The New York Times, 28.06.1992
Brody, Jacqueline: Dove Bradshaw: Medium, in: Print Collectors Newsletter, September–Oktober 1992
Morgan, Robert C.: Arts Magazine, New York Diary, Oktober 1991, S. 81
McEvilley, Thomas: Plain Air, in: Artforum April, 1990, S. 175
Rose, Matthew: Art and Antiques, Birdland, Januar 1990
Bradshaw Works Show Two Years off Experiments (Children’s Drawings at Utica College, Syracuse University), in: Observer-Dispatch, 05.09.1988
Utica College Tangerine, Gallery Graced by Bradshaw Oils (Children’s Drawings), 16.09.1988
Durner, Leah: Stalke, Dove Bradshaw (Children’s Drawings at Stalke Gallery, Copenhagen), 1988
Schwartz, Eugene: Guerrilla Tactics for Collectors in Today’s Emerging Art Market (recommendations), in: Bottom Line, S. 9–10, Oktober 1983
Frank, Peter: Carbon Removals (at Ericson Gallery, NY), in: ARTnews, Februar 1981, S. 174
Stern, Ellen: Best Bets: Shooting Spray, in: New York Magazine, 02.06.1979, S. 53
Bradshaw, Dove, Sister, Can you Spare a Smile? (30 % Better New York subway performance), in: New York Magazine, 18.02.1979, S. 17
Battcock, Gregory: De Kooning Bombs at the Goo Goo: Rhoades, Anastasi and Bradshaw discuss Couture, in: Arts/Entertainment, February 1979
Little, Stuart: A Piece of the Met, in: New York Magazine, 05.02.1979, S. 11
Nelson, Judith: Goings on About Town: Dove Bradshaw (Chairs at Razor Gallery), in: New Yorker, 1977
Ellensweig, Allen: New Talent (Chairs at Razor Gallery), in: Craft Horizons, Juni 1977
Art Openings (Chairs at Razor Gallery, NY), in: The Soho News, 07.04.1977, S. 32
Grover, Donald: Exhibitions, Dove Bradshaw (review of Chairs at Alan Stone, NY) Craft Horizons, Juni 1975, S. 20
Goings on About Town: Dove Bradshaw (Reliquaries at Razor Gallery), in: New Yorker, 1975
Gruen, John: Five to See in Soho (Reliquaries at Razor Gallery), in: The Soho Weekly News, 30.01.1975, S. 10