Mariele Neudecker

Ancestral Environment – Evolutionary Time Scale; No.1, 2023
104 Farbschichten auf Holzschiff /
104 paint layers on wooden ship model
81 x 100 x 40 cm

Almost 100,000 Days Ago (after De Loutherbourg), 2023
Acryl auf Holz / Acrylic on board
114 x 72 x 7 cm

Where Day and Night Danced a Duet (after Jean Honoré Fragonard), 2023
Acryl auf Holz / Acrylic on board
135 x 85 x 7 cm

We Can’t Get That Time Back (after Friedrich), 2023
Acryl auf Holz / Acrylic on board
125 x 80 x 7 cm

Echo Chamber (One), 2018
Tinte und Acryl auf Rechenpapier /
Ink and acrylic on accounting paper
41 x 31 cm

400 Thousand Gernerations, 2009
Mischtechnik (Stahl, Fiberglas, Wasser, Salz, GAC100) /
Mixed media (steel, fibre glass, water, salt, GAC100)
153 x 113 x 55 cm

There Are Known Knowns, 2012
Mixed Media, Zeichnung und Collage /
Mixed media, drawing and collage
2 Glühbirnen, 2 Glas-Hauben /
2 light-bulbs, 2 glass ‘domes’
Durchmesser je / Diameter each 53cm Ø (Höhe / Hight ca. 8cm)
Fotos / Photos ca. 55 x 70 cm

24 hours / 48 hours (1) + (2), 2011
Mischtechnik / Mixed media
je / each 110 x 60 x 50 cm
Plexiglas 194,5 x 80,5 cm
1965 geboren in Düsseldorf / born in Düsseldorf
1985–1987 Crawford College of Art and Design, Cork (IRE)
1987–1990 Goldsmiths’ College (BA Hons Degree), London (GB)
1991–1992 Chelsea College of Art and Design (MA Sculpture), London (GB)
1996–1997 Tower Hamlets College (Digital Image Creation/Manipulation), London (UK)
lebt und arbeitet in Bristol (UK) / lives and works in Bristol (UK)
Einzelausstellungen / Solo Exhibitions (Auswahl / Selection)
Nothing Ever Stays The Same, Thomas Rehbein Galerie, Köln
Hybrid, Galeria Pedro Cera, Lisbon (PRT)
Sediment, Hestercombe Gallery, Taunton (UK)
Sediment, Limerick Gallery of Art (IRE)
And Then the World Changed Colour: Breathing Yellow, Dulwich Picture Gallery, London (GB)
Plastic Vanitas, In Camera, Paris (FRA)
Plastic Vanitas – Fotografien von Mariele Neudecker, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft, Berlin
Plastic Vanitas, Thomas Rehbein Galerie, Köln
Some Things Happen All At Once, Zeppelin Museum, Friedrichshafen
Mariele Neudecker – Objekte und Bilder, Galerie Haas, Zürich (CH)
For Now We See kuratiert von / curated by Alice Sharp, Copenhagen Sciences Forum (UK)
There Is Always Something More Important, Galerie Barbara Thumm, Berlin
Mariele Neudecker, Deep Sea 2013, Trondheim Kunstmuseum, Trondheim (NOR)
Mariele Neudecker – Parhelion, Thomas Rehbein Galerie, Köln
Mariele Neudecker, Galerie Barbara Thumm, Berlin (Leporello)
Stay Forever and Never Come Back, The Dovecote Studio, Aldeburgh Music, Snape Maltings, Suffolk (UK)
Mariele Neudecker – New Works, R O O M , London (UK)
Winterreise Live-Performances Leicester, Leeds und Lancaster, UK
Winterreise Videopräsentation in Gesamtlänge / full length Video presentation, Prince Charles Cinema, London (UK)
This Thing Called Darkness, Arts Towada, Towada (JP)
Mariele Neudecker, Gallery Barbara Thumm, Berlin
2.5 million light years, Auftrag für das New Art Centre, Roche Court, Salisbury (UK)
Those Who Came Before Us, and Us What Are to Follow/You Are Always on my Mind 2 permanente
Videoarbeiten / 2 permanent Videos, Egypt Gallery, Bristol’s City Museum und Art Gallery, Bristol (UK)
Kindertotenlieder, Salts Mill, Saltaire (UK) / Colston Hall Bristol (UK) / Bonnington Gallery, Nottingham (UK)
Ambassador, Republic Tower Billboard Project, Centre for Contemporary Art in Zusammenarbeit mit der / in cooperation with Visible Art Foundation, Melbourne (AUS)
Over and Over, Again and Again, Tate Britain, London (UK)
Winterreise, Opera North Project (verschiedene Veranstaltungsorte / varying places of exhibition) (UK)
Kindertotenlieder, Impressions Gallery, York (UK)
Much Was Decided Before You Were Born, Galerie Barbara Thumm, Berlin
Over and Over, Again and Again, Tate St. Ives, Cornwall (UK)
Between Us, Tullie House, Carlisle, Laing Gallery, Newcastle (UK)
Winterreise, Opera North Project (verschiedene Veranstaltungsorte / varying places of exhibition) (UK)
Between Us, Chapter, Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, Swansea / Leeds City Art Gallery, Leeds / Bluecoat, Liverpool (Wanderausstellung / Travelling exhibition) (UK)
Winterreise, Opera North Touring Project
Between Us, Chapter, Cardiff, Wales (UK)
Until Now, Künstlerhaus Bethanien / Galerie Barbara Thumm, Berlin
Gruppenausstellungen / Group Exhibitions (Auswahl / Selection)
Romantiken – Ett sätt att se, Nationalmuseum Stockholm (SWE)
Dix und die Gegenwart, Deichtorhallen Hamburg
Caspar David Friedrich – Kunst für eine neue Zeit, Hamburger Kunsthalle
Among the Trees, Hayward Gallery, London (UK)
Amani – Auf den Spuren einer kolonialen Forschungsstation, Museum am Rothenbaum (MARKK), Hamburg
Modell-Naturen in der zeitgenössischen Fotografie, Kallmann Museum Ismaning, Ismaning
Regen auf dem Schirm, DDB studio, virtuelle Ausstellung der Deutschen Digitalen Bibliothek
Scaling the Sublime – art at the limits of landscape, Lake Side Arts, Nottingham (UK)
Cultivation: Points of Vantage, Contemporary Somerset Gallery, Somerset (UK)
Offshore: artists explore the sea, Ferens Art Gallery and Maritime Museum, Hull (UK)
Wetterbericht – Über Wetterkultur und Klimawissenschaft, Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn
Elements, Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, Helsinki (FIN)
MODEL, Galerie Rudolfinum, Prag (CZE)
A Man Walks into a Bar – Jokes & Postcards kuratiert von / curated by Franziska und Johannes Sperling, me Collectors Room – Stiftung Olbricht, Berlin
RE-THINK Space (mit / with Adam Czodsko), National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London (UK)
A Screaming Comes Across the Sky, LABoral, Gijón (ESP)
Antarctopia, The Antarctic Pavilion, Venice Architecture Biennale, Fondaco Marcello, Venedig (ITA)
Slow Future, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle (POL)
Goodbye Paradise – Landschaftsbilder gestern und heute, Kunsthalle Osnabrück, Osnabrück
Exploding Utopias, LGLonden, London (UK)
ARCTIC, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek (DK)
Ansichtssache Landschaft, Kunstverein Pforzheim im Reuchlingshaus e. V., Pforzheim
The poetics of mountains, their mutations and multifarious things, Artprojx, Verbier (CH)
Between Two Tides, Motorcade/FlahParade mit / with Rosie Snell, BV Studios, Bristol (UK)
Sculpture for Norwich, public art commission, Norwich (UK)
Mariele Neudecker, Brighton Festival, Lighthouse, Brighton (UK)
Queens Museum, New York, NY (USA)
The Polictis of Amnesia, Cafe Gallery, London (UK)
Kalte Rinden – Seltene Erden kuratiert von / curated by Maik Wolf, Städtische Galerie Bietigheim-Bissingen / Stadtmuseum Hattingen
Im Schein des Unendlichen – Romantik und Gegenwart kuratiert von / curated by Dr. Martina Padberg, ALTANA Kulturstiftung im Sinclair-Haus, Bad Homburg
Kalte Rinden – Seltene Erden, Stadtgalerie Kiel, Märkisches Museum Witten
The Politics of Amnesia, Cafe Gallery, London (UK)
Fragilität des Schönen Scheins – Auf der Suche nach dem vermeintlichen Paradies, Hinterland, Wien (AUT)
XVII. Rohkunstbau, Schloss Marquardt, Potsdam
Otherworldly: Artist Dioramas and Small Specacles exhibtion kuratiert von / curated by David McFadden, Museum of Arts and Design, New York, NY (USA)
Belvedere – Warum ist Landschaft schön?, Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck, Remagen
Charter of Forest, The Collection and Usher Gallery, Lincoln (UK)
Screaming From The Mountian – Landscapes and Viewpoints kuratiert von/curated by Pontus Kyander, Sörlandets Kunstmuseum (NOR)
Invisible Dust kuratiert von / curated by Alice Sharp, London Zoo, London (UK)
Foto-festival, Hereford, Shropshire (UK)
The Fourth Plinth, Maquette exhibition, St Martins in the Field, London (UK)
Provenance kuratiert von / curated by Angie Cockaine, BSU, Corsham Court, Bath (UK)
Collaborators 2, R O O M, London (UK)
‚Sacred‘, Fermanagh County Museum Enniskillen Castle (IRE)
Extraordinary Measures, Belsay Hall, Castle and Gardens, Newcastle upon Tyne (UK)
Realismus – Das Abenteuer der Wirklichkeit Kunsthalle Emden, Kunsthalle der Hypo-Kulturstiftung, München
Earthscapes, Sherwood House at Britport Art Gallery (UK)
GSK Contemporary: eARTh kuratiert von/curated by Kathleen Soriano, David Buckland und / and Edith Devaney, Royal Academy of Arts, London (UK)
Pittoresk – Neue Perspektiven auf das Landschaftsbild, Museum Marta Herford, Herford
Cafka.09: Veracity, Contemporary Art Forum, Kitchener and Area, ON (CAN)
Tell it To The Trees, Croft Castle, Meadow Gallery, Shropshire (UK)
Drawing, 2009 Biennal Fundraiser – The Drawing Room, London (UK)
Trying To Cope With Things That Aren’t Human (Part One) kuratiert von / curated by Ian Brown, David Cunningham Project, San Francisco, CA (USA)
Peace and Agriculture in a Pre-Romantic Ideal Landscape, without Sublime Terrors, Haunch of Venison, Berlin
Command and Control, Standpoint Gallery, London (UK)
Monochrome – Drawings and Prints, Rabley Contemporary Drawing Centre, Marlborough (UK)
Wonder kuratiert von / curated by Fumio Nanjo, Singapore Biennale
Acclimatation, Villa Arson, Nizza (FRA)
DRIFT kuratiert von / curated by Illuminate Productions, London (UK)
Opera, Late at Tate, Prince Charles Cinema, London (UK)
Real and Imagined Landscapes, Seattle Art Museum, Seattle (USA)
Reality Crossings kuratiert von / curated by Christoph Tannert, Fotofestival, Wilhelm Hack Museum, Ludwigshafen
Place Memory, SITE 07, Stroud Art Space (UK)
ZOO, Sandie Macrae, Royal Academy, London (UK)
[C]Artography:Map-Making As Artform, Crawford Art Gallery, Cork (IRE)
Mapping the Terrain, ACE selection, Midpennie Gallery (UK)
Reality Bites – Making Avant-Garde Art in Post-Wall Germany, Sam Fox Arts Center at Washington University, St. Louis (USA)
Venice: City of Dreams?, Sotherby’s Conduit Street Gallery, London (UK)
Place Memory, Video Vorführung, Stroud Valleys Artspace als Teil der site07, Gloucestershire (UK)
Mapping the Terrain, ACE selection, Midpennie Gallery (UK)
How to Improve the World, 60 Years of British Art, ACC, Hayward Gallery, London / Birmingham City Museum (UK)
Nature Attitudes, T-B A21, Thyssen – Bornemisza Art Contemporary, Wien (AUS)
ARS06, Kiasma, Helsinki (FIN)
Melancholie: Genie und Wahnsinn in der Kunst, Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin
The Sublime is Now! – Das Erhabene in der Kunst von Barnett Newman bis heute, Museum Franz Gertsch, Burgdorf (CH)
Vertigo, Sudley Castle (Auftrag/ Meadow Gallery) (UK)
Modelräume, Stadt Museum Nordhorn, Nordhorn
Into My World: Recent British Scupture, The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, Ridgefield (USA)
Zwischenwelten, Museum Haus Esthers-Haus Lange, Krefeld
Elemental Insight, MET Office, Exeter (UK)
Natural Histories: Realism Revisited, Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art (SMoCA), Scottsdale, AZ (USA)
Other Times, City Gallery Prague, Prag (CZE)
Berlin-Moskau, Moskau-Berlin: 1950–2000, Walter-Gropius-Bau, Berlin
Orifice, Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne (AUS)
From Dust to Dusk, Museum of Contemporary Art, Kopenhagen (DK)
Danger Zone, Kunsthalle Bern, Bern (CH)
The Idea of North, Green on Red Gallery, Dublin (IRE)
Out of Place, Harewood House, Yorkshire (UK)
Liquid Sea, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney (AUS)
Micro-Macro, Muczarnok, British Council Exhibition, Budapest (HUN)
Der Berg, Heidelberger Kunstverein, Heidelberg
Judie Bamber, David Deutsch, Moira Dryer, Mariele Neudecker, Gorney Bravin + Lee, New York, NY (USA)
Utopien Heute, Wilhelm Hack Museum, Ludwigshafen
At Sea kuratiert von / curated by Victoria Pommer, The Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, University of East Anglia, Norwich (UK)
Imagination und Romantik, The Brno House of Arts, Brno (CZE)
Humid kuratiert von / curated by Juliana Engberg, Auckland City Art Gallery, Auckland (NZL)
Imagination und Romantik, Jena
Total Object Complete With Missing Parts kuratiert von / curated by Andrew Renton, Tramway, Glasgow (UK)
Landscape, Uppsala Konstmuseum, Uppsala (SWE)
Yokohama International Triennale kuratiert von / curated by Fumio Nanjo, Yokohama (JP)
At Sea kuratiert von / curated by Victoria Pommery, Tate Liverpool (UK)
LOCUS/FOCUS (Sonsbeek 9) kuratiert von/curated by Jan Hoet, Arnhem (NLD)
Skulptur-Biennale kuratiert von / curated by Christoph Tannert, Münsterland, Münster
Auckland Triennale kuratiert von/curated by Alllan Smith, Auckland (NZL)
Humid kuratiert von / curated by Juliana Engberg, Spike Island, Bristol (UK)
Auszeichnungen und Arbeitsstipendien/ Awards and Residencies (Auswahl / Selection)
European Artists Pépinière, Visual Arts, Budapest (HUN)
MOMART Prize Winner, The Whitechapel Open, London (UK)
The Discerning Eye – New Discovery Art Prize, HSBC Investment Bank, London (UK)
1st Prize for Sculpture, 7th International Biennial of Sculpture and Drawing, Gulbenkian Foundation,
Lissabon (PRT)
Henry Moore Sculpture Fellowship, Spike Island, Bristol (UK)
Senior Research Fellow in Fine Art, UWIC, Cardiff (UK)
Joint prize winner Oil of Olay (LUX Centre/Make magazine), London (UK)
Botho-Graef-Preis der Stadt Jena
Drawing Residency, R O O M, Bristol (UK)
Aldeburgh Music, Snape Maltings (UK)
Ludwig Gies Preis, Letter Stiftung
Headlands Centre for the Arts, San Francisco, CA (USA)
Sammlungen / Collections
Saatchi Collection, London (UK)
The Arts Council Collection, London (UK)
The City Art Centre Edinburgh (GB-SCT)
The Thyssen-Bornemisza Contemporary Art Collection, Wien (AUT)
The British Council Collection, London (UK)
The Government Art Collection, London (UK)
Towner Collection, Eastbourne (UK)
Philip Morris Collection, NY (USA)
Museum of Contemporary Art, Guadalajara (MEX)
The Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, Helsinki (FIN)
Diverse private Sammlungen
Lehre / Lectures
The Royal Academy, London (UK)
The Royal College, London (UK)
Goldsmiths College MA, London (UK)
UWIC – Cardiff School of Fine Art
Academy of Fine Art, Bergen (NOR)
Chelsea School of Arts, MA-sculpture
Exeter School of Art & Design, University of Plymouth
Kingston University, London (UK)
Middlesex University, London (UK)
Brighton School of Art
NCAD, Dublin (IRE)
Kingston University, London (UK)
Catalogues and Publications
Mariele Neudecker, SEDIMENT, London (UK)
Memoria del Sublime – Il paesaggio nel secolo XXI, Ausst.-Kat. des Museo Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona (IT)
Wetterbericht – Über Wetterkultur und Klimawissenschaft, Ausst.-Kat., Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn (Hrsg.)
Plastic Vanitas, text + work, The Gallery, Arts University Bournemouth (UK)
Poulsen, Nina Marie (Hrsg.): Arctic, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Esbjerg (DK)
Ansichtssache Landschaft, Kunstverein Pforzheim im Reuchlingshaus e. V., Pforzheim
Ludwig Gies (1887–1966) Bildhauer der Stille und der Ludwig Gies-Preis zur Triennale Kleinplastik, Kulturamt der Stadt Fellbach (Hg.)
Im Schein des Unendlichen; Romantik und Gegenwart, Altana Kultur Stiftung, Bad Homburg
Bird, Michael: 100 Ideas That Changed Art, Laurence King Publishing, London (UK)
Dr. Boellert, Arvid (Hg.): XVIII. Rohkunstbau MACHT, Ausst.-Kat., Rohkunstbau, Potsdam
Kornhoff, Oliver: Belvedere – Warum ist Landschaft schön? Why is Lanscape Beautiful?, Ausst.-Kat., Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck (Hrsg.)
Wonder – Singapore Biennale 2008 (SGP)
Wonder – Guide, Singapore Biennale 2008 (SGP)
Command and Control, Ausst.-Kat., Standpoint Gallery, London (UK)
This Thing Called Darkness, Ausst.-Kat., Towada Art Center (JP)
10,000 to 50 – Contemporary Art from the Members of Business Arts, Ausst.-Kat., Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin (IRE)
Sculpture Today, Judith Collins, Phaidon
Much Was Decided When You Were Born (Artist Project), Mariele Neudecker, in: CABINET MAGAZINE NEW YORK, Issue 27, Herbst 2007 ‘Mountains’, S. 76–80
Cartography – Map-Making as Art Form, Crawford Art Gallery Cork
Skulpturenführer Münsterland – 42 Positionen zeitgenössischer Kunst im Münsterland, Aktion Münsterland e.V, Münster
Reality Bites – Making Avant-Garde Art in Post-Wall Germany, Ausst.-Kat., Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum
Tania Kovats: Mariele Neudecker, from: Salvator Rosa: Wild Landscapes, Compton Verney
McWilliams, Shirley (Essay); Picture This Moving Image (Hg.): In Profile – Mariele Neudecker – Image, Music and Text 2002–2005 (Vol.2)
von Bormann, Alexander: Ungleichzeitigkeiten der Europäischen Romantik, Königshausen & Neuman
McKee, Francis (Essay); Picture This Moving Image (Hg.): In Profile – Mariele Neudecker –Sculptural and Video Installation Works 1997–2002 (Vol.1)
Mariele Neudecker – Kindertotenlieder, Opera North Projects and Picture This Moving Image
David Blayney Brown / Douglas Young: Over and Over, Again and Again, Tate St. Ives (UK)
Frieze Yearbook, Frieze Art Fair, London (UK)
Zwischenwelten, Museum Haus Esters Krefeld
Brightness – works from the Thyssen-Bornemisza Contemporary Art Foundation, Museum of Modern Art Dubrovnik
MW Projects, London (UK)
micro/macro – British Art 1996–2002, Ausst.-Kat., The BritishCouncil / Kunsthalle Budapest
Liquid Sea, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney (AUS)
Winterreise – A Winter‘s Journey, Opera North, Leeds
Between Us, Chapter, Howard Gardens Gallery, Cardiff (UK)
Emma Posey / Angela Kingston: Mariele Neudecker: Between Us, Chapter and Howard Gardens Gallery, Cardiff (UK)
Der Berg, Ausst.-Kat., Heidelberger Kunstverein, Heidelberg
Juliana Engberg / Claire Doherty: Mariele Neudecker – Until Now, Künstlerhaus Bethanien / Galerie Barbara Thumm, Berlin
IMAGINATION-Romantik, Ausst.-Kat., Kulturamt der Stadt Jena/Jenoptik
Gassen, Richard W. (Hg.): Romanticism – David Blayney Brown, Phaidon
Utopien heute? Kunst zwischen Vision und Alltag, Ausst.-Kat., Wilhelm-Hack-Museum, Ludwigshafen
Humid, Ausst.-Kat., Spike Island, Bristol (UK)
Bright Paradise, The 1st Auckland Triennial, Auckland (NZL)
Tannert, Christoph (Hg.): Skulptur Biennale Münsterland, Kreis Steinfurt
Landscape, The British Council
ArtLineV, Interaktionen, Natur und Architektur
Richard Wentworth’s Thinking Aloud (Wanderausstellung / Travelling exhibition), Hayward Gallery, London
The Saatchi Gift to the Arts Council Collection, ACE, South Bank Centre, London (UK)
Barbarczy, Eszter / Lorés, Maite / McKee, Francis: Mariele Neudecker, Firstsite, Colchester (UK)
Signs of Life, Ausst.-Kat., The International Melbourne Biennale
Travelogue, Travelling Gallery, Edinburgh (GB-SCT)
Hepworth, Stephen / Wood, Hepworth: Cultivated, Firstsite, Colchester (UK)
Nelson, Cecilia / Kyander, Pontus: Nature of Man, Konstall Lunds
The House in the Woods, CCA, Glasgow (GB-SCT)
Here to Stay, The Arts Council Collection, Purchases of the 1990s, Arts Council Collection, London (UK)
The Discerning Eye, Mall Galleries, London (UK)
live/live – the artistic scene in the U.K. in 1996 with new initiatives – (artist run spaces), Musee d’Art Moderne de la Ville, Paris (FRA)
7th International Biennial of Sculpture and Drawing, EDCR – Bienal International De Escultura e Desegno Das Caldas Da Rai (PRT)
Private View – A temporary exhibition of contemporary British & German art, Henry Moore Institute, Leeds
BT New Contemporaries, Barry Baker, Patricia Bickers, Rachel Whiteread, London (UK)
Art(s) d’Europe, Galerie de l’Esplanande, Pepinieres, Paris (FRA)
Beke, Laszlo / Barbarczy, Eszter: Mariele Neudecker, Pepieniere Europeennes pour Jeunes Artistes
Artikel / Articles
Auswahl / Selection
Dunne, Aidan: Then the World Changed Colour, Breathing Yellow, in:, 28.09.19
Weiland, Florian: Decodierung der Landschaft, in:, 19.02.2016
Mariele Neudecker – Some Things Happen All At Once, in:, 21.01.2016
Darvent, Charles: Fourth Plinth, St Martin in the Field, in: The Independent on Sunday, The Critics, London, 05.09.2010
Brown, Mark: Fourth Plinth artists get cocky, in: The Guardian, 20.08.2010
Searle, Adrian: Poignant Boy on the Rocking Horse takes the gold, in: The Guardian, 20.08.2010
Hasting, Rob: The battle of Trafalgar Square: Six artists vie for fourth plinth spot, in: The Independent, 20.08.2010
Gormley, Anthony: This site is a challenge to artists, in: The Independent, 20.08.2010
Akbar, Arifa: Cockerels, cashpoints and cake next for fourth plinth, in: The Independent, 20.08.2010
Campbell-Johnston, Rachel: Artists seek a plinth finish in first race of the Olympics, in: The Times, 20.08.2010
Singh, Anita: Birds eye view, Fourth plinth shortlist, in: Daily Telegraph, 20.08.2010
Jury, Louise: Chicken, giant cake and pipe organ in battle of Trafalgar Square fourth plinth, in: Evening Standard, 19.07.2010
Luke, Ben: Absurd, powerfull, witty … it’s a difficult choice for the selection jury, in: Evening Standard, 19.07.2010
Subrahmanian, Madhvi: Rediscovering landscapes at Cityhall, in: Singapore Business Times, September 2008
Reality Crossings: European Photography – Art Magazine, No. 82, Volume 28, Issue 2, Winter 2007–2008 (with DVD)
Pietsch, Hans: Die unheimliche Kälte der Romantik, in: art – das Kunstmagazin, Nr. 10 / Oktober 2007, S. 36–40
Griffin, Jonathan: Mariele Neudecker, in: Frieze, October 2006, S. 266
Coslovich, Gabriella: Mortality at corner of La Trobe and Queen, in: The Age, AU, 15.09.2006
Januszczak, Waldemar: Scenes through a glass starkly, in: Sunday Times (UK), 13.06.2004
McCulloch, Susan: MCA swims into wider waters, Liquid Sea, MCA Sydney, in: Weekend Australian, 12.–13.04.2003, S. 21
Davidson, Kate: Journeying to other worlds: Liquid sea at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, in: Art Monthly Australia, No. 161, Juli 2003, S. 29–32
Probyn, Elspeth: Serious might of the main, in: The Australian, 02.04.2003, S. 33
Phillips, Christopher: Crosscurrents in Yokohama, in: Art in America, Januar 2001, S. 84–91
Van Lierop, Bernard: The Ironic Sublime, in: Planet, Issue 156, Dezember 2002/Januar 2003, S. 32–38
Jeffrey, Moira: Total object Complete with Missing Parts, Tramway, Glasgow, in: The Herald, 10.09.2001
Hergeth, Andreas: Romantik aus Plexiglas, in: taz berlin, 27.–28.10.2001
Mariele Neudecker erhält Botho-Graef-Kunstpreis, in: Thüringer Landeszeitung TLZ, 06.10.2001
Roick, Bärbel: Kühl-subtile Romantik-Adaption, in: Ostthüringer Zeitung OTZ, 08.10.2001
Schultz, Deborah: „The Conquest of Space“ – On the Prevalence of Maps, in: Contemporary Art, Henry Moore Institute Essays on Sculpture 35, Leeds 2001
Key, Philip: Magic of the Sea, in: Liverpool Daily Post, 13.07.2001
Reardon, Valerie: Humid, in: Art Monthly, No. 4, 2001, S. 36–38
Imdahl, Georg: Der sechste Schornstein sucht einen Betrachter – Die zweite Skulptur-Biennale im Münsterland, in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 12.07.2001
Kohler, Michael: Die Abgeschlossenheit Arkadiens, in: Die Welt, 03.07.2001
Searle, Adrian: If you go down to the woods today…, in: The Guardian, 03.10.2000
Battista, Kathy: Mariele Neudecker, in: Make Magazine, September/November, 2000
Lubbock, Tom: Strictures at an exibition, in: The Independent, 10.10.2000
von Planta, Regina: Mariele Neudecker in der Ikon Gallery, in: Kunstbulletin Oktober 2000
Guyton, Marjori Althorpe / Glinkowski, Paul: Solid Foundations, in: Tate Magazine, Winter 2000, S. 62–64
Utopias, Mead Gallery, in: Art Monthly, November 2000, S. 30–33
The Henry Moore Foundation, Issue No. 9, Winter 2000
Safe, Emma: Mariele Neudecker, in: VCA, December 2000, S. 68
Mariele’s World of images and sound, in: Evening Gazette, 13.12.2000
Gooding, Darren: Mariele Neudecker at Minories, in: Essex Country Standard, 29.12.2000, S. 27
Carvill, Sonia: Welcome to her dream-like world, in: The East Anglian Daily Times, 08.12.2000
Mariele Neudecker profile, in: art review, October 2000, S. 57
Profile: Mariele Neudecker, True romance, in: Tate Magazine, Winter 2000
Cumming, Laura: Dense forests, drifting snow…, in: The Observer, 07.10.2000
Hemming, Sarah: Shedding new light on art, in: Daily Express, 30.09.2000
Grimley, Terry: Atmospheric art in a box, in: The Birmingham Post, 11.10.2000
Gustafson, John: New Art Examiner, Juni 1999, S. 42–43
Fredericksen, Eric: Don’t Know Much, in: The Stranger, Vol.8, No.44, 22.–28.07.1999, S. 89
Rose, Cynthia: Harris shows artist’s take on romanticism, in: The Seattle Times, 22.07.1999, S. 22
Josslin, Victoria: Neudecker’s distorted maps remind one of biases, in: Seattle PostIntelligencer, 1999
Josslin, Victoria: Never Eat Shredded Wheat, in: Art Review, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 23.07.1999
Hunt, Ian: Mariele Neudecker, Spike Island, Bristol, October 31 to November 30, in: Art Monthly S. 98–99
Buck, Louisa: Faces Places and Spaces to watch in 1998, in: New Statesman, 02.01.1998
Lorés, Maite: Other Voices, other places, in: Contemporary Visual Arts, Januar 1998, S. 44–49
The Halted Traveller, Mariele Neudecker, in: Bergens Kunstforeining KUNST, Februar 1998, S. 18
Schonfelder, Lotte: Sesongapping med stort specter, in: Bergens Tidende, 05.02.1998, S. 28
The Boredom Factor, Blueprint, Februar 1998, #147, S. 42
Gjesvik, Toril: A fange verden BT, 14.02.1998
Fricke, Harald: Berlins größter Promi als erotische Bühne, Kunst in Berlin jetzt: Jonathan Meese, Mariele Neudecker, Tom Burr, Wand und Boden, in: Die Tageszeitung, 04.–05.07.1998
Böker, Carmen: Seestücke, in: Berliner Zeitung, 06.07.1998
Stiller, Veit: Mariele Neudecker: Die Welt als Fiktion und Wirklichkeit, in: Die Welt, 14.07.1998
Schöner Schiffbruch, Mariele Neudeckers wäßrige Wunderwelt, Ticket, Juli 1998
Neil Cooper: The House in the Woods, List, April 1998
Barrett, David: Mariele Neudecker – Review, in: Frieze, Mai 1998
Morley, Simon: The Friedrich Factor, in: Contemporary Visual Arts, Issue 19, S. 26–33
Allerholm, Milou: Lekfulla utsnitt ur en filtread nature, Dagens, Nyheterna 7, 07.06.1998
Orstadius, Brita: Människans nature, in: Boras Tidning, 22.06.1998
Beck, Ingamaj: Tack, menjag är matt, in: Aftonbladet, 12.06.1998
Tojner, Poul Erik: Lunds konsthall somarutställin handlar om naturen, bade den därute och den därinne – människans väsen. Människan och de bägge naturerna, in: Sydsvenskan, 22.06.1998
Zeylon, Hakan: Fantasifullt om var nature, in: Skanska Dagbladet, 09.06.1998
Ahlström, Crispin: Stig in och lat dig betrakas!, in: GP, 23.06.1998
Bonde, Lisbeth: Tilbage til unaturen, in: Information, 30.06.1998
Olofson, Stefan: Människans natur pa Lunds konsthall, in: Skanska Dagbladet, 30.05.1998
Ström, Eva: Ruiner och ogräs, in: Svenska Dagbladet, 13.06.1998
Klinthage, Jörgen: Kraftmätning mellan objekt och reum, in: Arbetet Nyheterna, 27.06.1998, S. 5
Klinthage, Jörgen: Konst som tänjer gränserna, in: Hallandsposten, 25.06.1998
Wachtmeister, Marika: Natur som överraskar, in: Kristianstadsbladet, 27.06.1998
McEwen, John: A fashion for death and erotica, in: The Sunday Telegraph, Review, 22.11.1998
Anthony, Andrew: Why be a YBA?, in: The Observer, Review, 22.11.1998
Jones, Jonathan: Water Worlds, in: The Guardian, 1998
Herbert, Martin: Light – Richard Salmon, in: Time Out, 22–29.01.1997
de Charmant, Anne: Le soleil se lève sur l’east end, in: MUSÉART, S. 118–119, NO.66, Januar 1997
Fever, William: A bonfire of inanities (Belladonna), in: The Observer Review, 02.02.1997, S. 12
Hell’s belles, Sarah Kent on Belladonna, in: Time Out 12.–19.02.1997
For the record, The Young and the Restless, in: The Art Newspaper, No.67, Februar 1997
Sladen, Mark: Belladonna, ICA, in: Art Monthly, März 1997, No. 204, S. 36–37
Hedley, Gill: Who’s buying who?, in: Visual Arts, S. 10, The Guardian, 17.06.1997
Cork, Richard: Curios and curiouser, in: Times, 02.06.1996
Barrett, David: Private View, in: Art Monthly, Juli/August
Open Your Art to me, in: East London Advertiser, 25.06.1996
Feaver, William: A bad case of trite and tested, in: The Observer Review, S. 11, 28.07.1996
Masterson, Piers: Lightness and Weight – Custard Factory, Birmingham, in: Untitled No. 11, Sommer 1996
Godfrey, Tony: Private View – Bowes Museum, in: Untitled No. 11, Sommer 1996
Coomer, Martin: Open Verdict, in: Time Out, 07.–14.08.1996
Mac Ritchie, Lynn: Quirky works set the scene, in: Financial Times, 04.08.1996
Gayford, Martin: The East End’s Answer to the Summer Show, in: The Daily Telegraph, 07.08.1996
Cross, Andrew: The Whitechapel Open, in: Art Monthly, September 1996, S. 42
Neudecker, Mariele: The Air we Breathe is invisible, in: Artists Newsletter, November 1996, S.49
I Hajdu, Erintok – In and out of touch, in: Bezselo, Juni 1995
I D Udvary, Erintok – In and out of touch, in: Balkon Art Magazine, Sommer 1995
KMB, In and out of touch, in: Tip (Berlin), August 1995
Berg, Ronald: In and out of touch, in: Tagesspiegel, 20.08.1995
Feaver, William: Ban soap, charcoal and childhood memories, in: The Observer, 15.05.1994
Hall, James: The British Open, in: The Guardian, 23.05.1994
Bencsik, Barnabas: Uitz Terem, in: Balkon Art Magazine, Juni 1994
Grant, Simon: Miniatures, in: Art Monthly, November 1994
Jennings, Rose: Clove Two, in: Time Out, Juni 1992
Lekis, Thomas: Kunst, ein Spektrum der Variabilität, in: Westdeutsche Zeitung, 04.04.1989
Zimmermann, Claudia: Mariele Neudecker stellt im Kunsthaus aus, in: Rheinische Post, 08.04.1989